IMF Blog IMF Blog

Back-to-School Blogs

As you trudge back to the office or cubie with a little sand still crunching in your backpack, you know the holiday is over. To help you catch up, here are some blogs to re-read to get you back into the swing of things.

Remember Europe? I thought so. The European Central Bank is center stage this week as inflation in Europe has hit a trough, which reminded me of our blog about deflation back in March that rattled a few cages.

Which brings us to what will or won’t happen with global interest rates, and their impact on well, pretty much everyone. We’ve analyzed the tea leaves so you don’t have to.

New rumblings in emerging market economies mean it’s probably a good idea for you to have another look at who owns emerging market debt. Just in case.

It’s hard to think about emerging markets without taking a close look at China. The size of China’s economy has a huge impact on many countries. Period.

And speaking of other countries, growth in low-income countries is on the move in ways you might not have expected.

All of this matters because we’re trying to better understand the links between rising inequality and economic growth.

As the days grow shorter and the soon-to-be autumn leaves fall like U.S. interest rates since the crisis, stay tuned for lots more blogs including about our next issues of the World Economic Outlook, Global Financial Stability Report, Fiscal Monitor and all the action from the IMF’s Annual Meetings in October.
